Boy, is this going to get long


You've read this people: Since the idea of me trying to thumbnail some 40 odd scanned pictures isn't feasible (Read: lazy). I decided that I will have a link to every pic with a short description of what it's about and where it's from. Admittedly, while the vast majority of these pics are scanned myself, there are a few which I pulled from the web and forums. But also, I did not hand draw a single one of these pics, and in the end they belong to Marvel anyway. So if you see a pic here that you wish to own, right click and save. I don't really care myself. The more people who know about the Elf, the better. So without further delay, I present to you the reason you came here (well, besides that stylish black background), the pics.


Nightcrawler #1
This scene comes from his own mini-series (the very first one). Here we actually get to see Kurt use some of that agility to actually out maneuver and slightly outpace heat seeking missiles (I'm guessing they're heat seeking). 1 2

Uncanny #102
In this scene we get to see Kurt work a little bit of those reflexes he has. Nanoseconds before Juggernaut punches him, and with Juggernaut's fist mere centimeters from Kurt's face, he still manages to dodge out the way. 1

Uncanny #105
Get this. The X-Men are flying around in some little open top jet. Suddenly it explodes and send the X-Men hurdling towards earth. Fortunately, all of them except one manages to hitch a ride with one of the flyers on the team. Now, guess which one doesn't get a chance to hitch a ride and have to use his own damn agility to save his life. Would I be telling you too much if I said it was Nightcrawler? 1

Uncanny #204
What better way to showcase Kurt's speed and accuracy when porting then to show him pointing directly onto the wing of a moving plane? 1

X-Men #360
Here's the deal. The X-Men are stuck fighting in the sky. And, of course, not everyone can fly. As Wolverine's falling at 32 feet per second (that's about 22MPH in case you didn't know), Nightcrawler still manages to teleport directly in front of him and catch him with ease. 1

X-Men Unlimited #4
Check out those reflexes, yo. Notice how the bullets have already left the barrel of the gun, yet Kurt still manages to say "Nein" and port out the way? That's what I call reflex. 1

X-Men Unlimited #4
Just a short little scene of him flipping off a tree after being tossed from the sky by Rogue. It was just to cool not to post. 1

Uncanny #175 and X-Men #300
For some odd reason people seem to think it's easy to predict where Kurt is going to be after a port. Such a thing could be claimed when using an amateur Nightcrawler against a pro X-Men who knows Nightcrawler tactics, but that argument doesn't hold for long. Take for example Cyclops in Uncanny #175. Many use it as an example that it's plausible for someone to predict where Kurt will be. Yet fail to take into account that Cyclops didn't "predict" where Kurt will be, he guessed than shot wildly. Also Cyclops has knowledge that other fighters don't - knowledge of Kurt's tactics. However, those are OLD tactics. Lets just look at an example of how a ROOKIE Kurt attacks and a PRO Kurt. Notice the difference between "high and away" and "foot in your face." 1 2

Excalibur #54
In perhaps Kurt's most amazing of feats, we see he perform beyond imagination feats of agility and . . . . okay, I just like the scene a lot. :( 1

Uncanny #!59
In this cool little scene, we get to see Kurt use his powers to dodge lightning. Dracula (that bastard) is using it to attack Kurt where ever he appears, and Kurt has to constantly port out of the way. 1

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