Boy, is this going to get long


You've read this people: Since the idea of me trying to thumbnail some 40 odd scanned pictures isn't feasible (Read: lazy). I decided that I will have a link to every pic with a short description of what it's about and where it's from. Admittedly, while the vast majority of these pics are scanned myself, there are a few which I pulled from the web and forums. But also, I did not hand draw a single one of these pics, and in the end they belong to Marvel anyway. So if you see a pic here that you wish to own, right click and save. I don't really care myself. The more people who know about the Elf, the better. So without further delay, I present to you the reason you came here (well, besides that stylish black background), the pics.


Uncanny #151
This is one of his more amazing speed feats. Sentinels are attacking the mansion, and Kurt leaves the battlefield to gather some equipment (bombs actually). In total he plants 6 (one on each leg), and in total it takes him 9 seconds to place the bombs and everything. So what's the big deal? It's the fact that he set all the detonators for 10 seconds. So in the time frame of 10 seconds (starting at when he set the first bomb since that's when the clock would have started) he was able to both arm each bomb and port them all to where they needed to be. 1

X-Men #101
*cough*power up*cough* Effective as of X-Men 101, Nightcrawler can now see in the dark. . . Yeah, I'm a little iffy about this one myself. But it's continuity now, so it's outta my hands. 1

Uncanny #148
As talked about on page 4, some like to think it's easy for someone to catch Kurt after a port. As of today, only Cyclops and Wolverine has been able to do so without an added advantage (Rogue has too, but was using her pre-cog abilities). However, the difference between Cyclops and Wolverine is that with Cyclops the evidence is obvious. With Wolverine however, I'm still trying to find some. I don't know if this pic counts for anything, but it is obvious Wolverine did not hit Kurt after a port. He hit Kurt after he ported to the ground and began searching on FOOT for Wolverine. 1

X-Men #99 (New)
I don't know why, maybe it's because of Marvel's piss poor "power grids." But some think Kurt only has the agility of a regular person who has trained himself very hard. Not the case. As shown here, when Kurt was de-evolved into a human, he could not keep up with a holographic image of himself. 1

Uncanny #178
Even working off pre-cog knowledge from Destiny (the Destiny who could see into the future), Avalanche still wasn't fast to tag Kurt before he ported. Even putting more shame into it is the fact that Kurt ports out of the way, then attacks Avalanche before before his arm gets a change to recoil. If that doesn't prove he can attack in less than a second, nothing will. After all, I'm not peak human, and even I could throw a full punch in less than a second. Or maybe I'm just sounding like a fanboy now. :) 1

Excalibur #61
Here's yet another fight between Captain Britain and our boy Nightcrawler. Only difference being that this is a sparring match where Kurt is being protected by one of Cerise's shield. Even still it's entertaining to watch. 1 2

X-Men #100
ASSKICKING. . . . and that's all that needs to be said. 1
(actually uploaded to a geocities account because of the size)

X-Men Unlimited #4
Poor little Kurt Wagner. Tossed over the waterfall at such a young age. :( 1

Excalibur #96
Whacks a soccer ball with his tail so hard that it throws Shadowcat off balance. 1

X-Men Unlimited #4
Graydon Creed (Kurt's half-brother for those who didn't know) tries joking our boy Kurt out. But Nightcrawler backflips over him and has him in a headlock before Graydon even gets a chance to turn around. 1

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